The Roles of School Governors
The School Governors offer strategic guidance to our school.
This involves:
- Working with other board members to plan the school’s strategic direction.
- Acting as a critical friend to the Headteacher and holding the Headteacher and Senior leadership Team to account.
- Overseeing the School’s financial performance, ensuring money is well spent.
The Governing Body consists of:
- Local Authority Governor who is appointed by Enfield Local Authority
- Parent Governors elected by parents of pupils at Russet House School
- Staff Governor elected by school staff
- Co-opted Governors who volunteer to support the school by joining the Governing Body
All Governors attend the Full Governing Body Meetings, in addition there are two sub-committees and Governor are part of one or more of these.
The Russet House Governing Body is a diverse and multi-skilled group of individuals who collectively provide support and challenge.